Thursday 22 May 2008

Daring Cardmakers Challenge!

This weeks challenge at Daring Cardmakers is 'Animalia' had to make a card featuring any animal...the midweek 'Little Extra' dares you to use bronze, pottery, linen or lace.

I chose William and his "friends" for my image...just coloured with distress inks, and cut out...I added some stickles for the snail trail, and put some diamond glaze on the snails shell also! The only "linen" I had handy was in the form of this 7 gypsies tag to which I've added a rub on. All very simple...but i liked the result!

Don't forget my blog candy challenge for some fun! bx


Anonymous said...

As usual, a wonderful card. You truly have a great talent. Your loving hubby x

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous fab card xx

Kath Stewart said...

Fab card - so cute and well done managing two challenges in one

Ila said...

He is just the cutest...your card is Super Fabulous!!

Natalie said...

Great card. x

Katharina Frei said...

Such a lovely creation. A wonderful layout and fabulous details!

Katharina Frei said...

Oh, and you can bet that my laundry pile is already higher than my two year old son ;)

Deb said...

Fabulous card Bernie, love the papers you used and of course I just adore William!

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

Love everything about it! and the way you've added william and the animals into the szene it is just so creative!

Claudia x

Tina said...

Hi Bernie thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog, i really do appreciate it, i just love your blog, and your hanglar babies are soooo cute, i think her white shoes are perfect, yep i had a pair of white leather shoes as a child too which were normally worn with a heavy wool coat and my little furry hat, i'm sure it's all coming back in after over thirty five years....LOL I have to say i love the little goblin on your card, i only have one of the goblin set (up to now......)he is so cute and i love the colours you've used.... absolutely gorgeous.... Crafty hugs bye for now Tina x

Dawn said...

Beautiful card - love the background papers - really cute

Lorraine Robertson said...

Hi Bernie, thanks the lovely comment you left on my blog. Don't you just love the cute stamps that are available & they fit every occassion. Love the animals too.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Debbie Olson said...

Fabulously colored image--beautiful card!

Monika/Buzsy said...

Cute card! Love the images... the colors.. the rick-rack ribbon... TFS!