Well the pub quiz was a huge success....I wasn't nervous and my questions went down well....we had lots of prizes which kept everything ticking over and we had great craic....best of all we raised £500 which was brilliant considering it was a cold, windy, lashing rain "skool" night....can't wait to the next one!!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I logged onto the Papertake Weekly blog this week to see that I'd won the prize from the previous week....woohoo I was thrilled so thank you PTW and Funky Fairys Papercrafts for my fab prize!
Unfortunately I haven't been able to do much blog hopping this past while, as I was quite busy with life outside crafts (is there really such a thing..? lol) and then I've had another few days of sickness!! I hope to get caught up again soon!
We're off to Newcastle-upon-Tyne tomorrow for a few days....can you believe we're almost into April...?! bx